Goral Culture

Goral Culture

Goral Culture 2560 1835 Centrum pre tradičnú ľudovú kultúru
The Goral culture is based on the shepherds’ and herdsmen’s tradition, which represents an important component of Slovak cultural traditions. The ethnonym Goral refers to people living in the mountains, i.e., mountaineers. The origin of the name is related to the region e.g. Gorals of Spiš, Orava, Kysuce, Liptov, etc., or the territory in which they settled e.g. Gorals of Beskydy, the Tatras, Zamagurie, Poprad, etc. Part of the Gorals also live in the enclaves of Horehronie, Gemer, and Liptov regions. Even though a Goral settlement does not form a common territorial or cultural whole, regional Goral groups have created and maintained their specific expressions over the centuries. They have acquired their common Goral identity through the awareness of their common origin, history, cultural traditions, through the ethnonym, as well as their common language gvara, which has several regional forms. They transmit their specific dialects, as well as musical, dance, and artistic expressions of traditional culture as part of their cultural heritage, from generation to generation, thus creating their own identity. The bearers of this element have naturally preserved their cultural heritage as part of their family and anniversary customs. They also present the Goral culture through municipal and regional festivities, through folklore groups, folk music, children‘s folklore ensembles, crafts, professional, and organisational work of cultural and educational institutions, research activities, or by the presentation of materials by professional organisations. In addition, the schools in the municipalities of Hladovka, Mútne, Matiašovce, Oravská Lesná, Rabčice, Oravská Polhora and others, teach the subject titled Regional Education, which focuses on the Goral culture. The preservation of the Goral culture is also supported through Goral meetings that take place mainly during Goral festivities. Today, the bearers of this element include, in addition to the local population that claims the Goral identity, the group of enthusiasts passionate about Goral culture, folklore ensembles from other regions, craftsmen, organisers of events, etc.
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Vizuál osvedčenia - text na bielom podklade, vodoznak znaku SR, podpis ministerky kultúry a predsedníčky odbornej komisie, orámované paspartou s grafikou paličkovanej čipky.


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