Tulle bobbin lace from the Myjava Highlands

Tulle bobbin lace from the Myjava Highlands

Tulle bobbin lace from the Myjava Highlands 1705 1138 Centrum pre tradičnú ľudovú kultúru
Tulle Bobbin Lace from the Myjava Highlands is unique among many bobbin laces which have their tradition and are still evolving in the territory of Slovakia. Its fragility and weblike pattern are attained by braiding delicate white threads on a tulle netting using many small sticks called bobbins. The village Krajné, where this type of lace found its home in the 1880s, has become the primary centre of its occurrence. Its origin lies in Western European lacemaking tradition. The popularity of the white tulle lace in the region surrounding Myjava is related to the tradition of the local clothing style, which uses airy, fragile, white materials. The remarkable continuity of the transmission of skills, knowledge, and use of the tulle lace on clothing and interior textiles continues to pass from generation to generation up to the current day. The fact that this kind of lace has become a typical part of the traditional clothing and liturgical textile, and the way modern people of the Myjava region identify themselves with it as with an element of their own cultural inheritance and how they honour it, is reflected on a wide scale of activities. These activities are supported by wearing traditional cultural clothing while participating in festive and ritual ceremonies in their community.
Proposal by
Centre of Traditional Culture in Myjava
Year of Inscription
Certificate number


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